Cubert Neighbourhood Development Plan Results of Initial Survey of Public Opinion July 2020

We are pleased to confirm that we have now had the opportunity of analysing the results of the data collected by the Initial Survey of public opinion conducted during January 2020. The survey questionnaire was distributed to all homes in the Parish and 180 completed surveys were returned. This represents an approximate response rate of about 11%, a relatively small number of households. 

For each section of the Survey Form we have attempted to record all the issues or topics submitted by respondents and then note the number of respondents who supported each topic. We have called these the “votes” for each topic. We have extracted the priority topics and listed them as a summary of the primary concerns of the residents of our Parish as follows: 

  • Priorities for new housing 
  • Future business development in the parish 
  • Provision of sports and leisure facilities 
  • Traffic control and car parking. 
  • Protecting our heritage assets and green spaces 
  • Safe guarding our school facilities and potential expansion needs. 

These concerns will be the focus of Working Groups which we shall set up to research these subjects, carry out consultation with individuals, stakeholders and organisations to acquire more information leading to another more detailed survey. This will help us to begin to put together the kind of planning policies which are the aim of a Neighbourhood Development Plan. 

We must thank everyone who has taken part in our Survey. We hope that our analysis truly represents your thoughts but please continue to join in and help us make Cubert Parish the place you would like it to be.

You can read the results of the survey below

If you are a stakeholder interested in the development taking place within Cubert Parish then please download a copy of our stakeholders letter by clicking here

About You

Q3 – What is your age group?

Under 16 16-24 25-49 50-65 66-80 80+
48 17 32 73 36 3

Q5 – How long have you lived in the parish?

Less than 1 year 1-5 years 6-10 years 10-20 years 21+ years All my life
10 43 24 33 39 27

Q6 – What is your work related status?

Student Employed Unemployed Retired
24 69 1 64

If you are in employment, do you work in the parish?

Yes No
22 51

Q7 – How many cars or other types of motor vehicles does you household have?

278 for the whole of the parish

Q8 – What do you like most about living in the village?

Environment Community Services/Ameneties Youth recreation Housing, transport, other
171 – 44% 137 – 35% 52 – 13% 22 – 6% 12 – 6%

Q9 – What if anything could be improved about the parish?

159 people answered. 64% of comments referred to a halt or reduction in housing development. Road safety was identified by 20% of respondents and of those 50% referred specifically to High Lanes/A3075 crossroads. 19% referred to parking provision for the shop and school. 8% referred to cleaning or maintaining the green environment. 6% referred to increase in retail outlets.

Q10 – How would you like the parish to be descibed in 15 years time?

Accesible Safe 90%
Affordable Traditional
Attractive 59% Tranquil
Friendly 90% Vibrant
Prosperous 16% Unchanged

Q11 – Where do you tend to look to get information about the parish?

Parish newsletter 154 School newsletter 38
Post office window 85 Council Notice board 12
Facebook 44 Word of mouth 103

Education & Business

Q12 – When it comes to education and business, what is important to you?
Please identify in order of priority 1-5, where 1 is the highest priority.

Having a Post Office 1st
Parish children being able to attend the village primary school 2nd
Having a primary school in the village 3rd
Having a range of local shops 4th
Having a local pub 5th

Q13 – Should new business be encouraged within the parish?

Yes No Don’t know
80 20 0

If yes, what type of busines should be encouraged?

Small, retail, any were the main suggestions. Centred on new and existing business parks was also referred to.

Q14 – What would encourage more business in to the parish?

87 – 44% of responders made suugestions. Of these 16 said better parking; 15 said lower business rates; 14 said affordable premises; 8 said better access; 7 siad faster internet and 7 said develop a small business park.

Q15 – Are there any sites within the parish that you think are suitable for business development?
137 – 75% of people responded

No Trenissick High Lanes
23 – 17% 14 – 10% 6 – 5%


Q16 – When it comes to thinking about the environment, what would you like to see prioritised in the neighbourhood plan?
( please tick a maximum of 8 )

Electric car charging points in the parish 52 The protection of hedges and hedgerows 146
Electric car charging points in new developments 25 Planting of more trees 142
Solar panels or tiles on new developments 94 Protection of green spaces and rural landscapes 151
Rainwater harvesting on new developments 82 More dog waste bins 77
More solar panel farms 17 Community recycling bins 83
Single wind turbines for personal use (up to 9 mts) 18 Carbon neutral housing 62
Single wind turbines; industrial scale (up to 56 mts) 10 Turning street lights off at midnight 63
Community scheme to purchase energy products in bulk e.g solar 67 Improved public transport 92

Q17 – Should the parish do more to preserve and protect nature and wildlife?

Yes No Don’t know
144 6 27

Q18 – Are there any areas that you think should be protected from development?

Any surrounding “green-belt”. Designated areas such as Cubert Common. Land and woodland between the communities such as Treworgans, Tresean etc. Land between Cubert and Holywell. Land for public access , land between Cubert and Ellenglaze

Housing & Development

Q19 – What sort of new housing (if any) do you want to see prioritised within the parish?
(please tick a maximum of five.)

Starter homes (1-2 bedrooms) 74 Flats / apartments 12
Family homes ( 2+ bedrooms) 75 **Sheltered housing 74
Social housing (rental) 54 Self-build plots 47
*Affordable housing (purchase) 96 Holiday Homes 19
Residential Care 79 Second Homes 5
* affordable housing can be sold or rented at reduced prices for local people.
** Sheltered housing is specifically designed housing for older people or younger disabled people to support independenece.

Q20 – Thinking about sustainable housing development over the next 15 years, what do you think we should prioritise in the parish? (please tick 3)

Re-use brownfield (previously developed) sites in the village and settlements 75 In-filling using sites in existing built up areas. 44
Re-use brownfield (previously developed) sites outside the village and settlements 72 Use greenfield sites outside of the village and settlements. 6
Re-use farm buildings for housing 65 Environmentally friendly housing 96

Q21 – Should all new developments be principle residences?

Yes No Don’t Know
109 19 43

Q22 – What size of housing development do you think would be the most appropriate in the parish?
(Please tick a maximum of 3)

Large developments
(30 + houses)
6 Medium developments
(15-29 houses)
Smaller developments
(less than 15 houses)
57 Small clusters of houses
(less than 5 house)
Individual homes 96 None 55

Q23 – Are there any sites that you think suitable for new housing development in the parish?

Various comments included, Chynowen Lane next to the school, between the school and the cemetary, Wesley Road, adjacent to Parc en Rose, Holywell Road to Trevail and any site that doesn’t involve trafficking going through the village.

Q24 – Are there any areas of land that you think should be protected from development?

A repeat of Q18, answers include Grade 1&2 farm land. All community green spaces including the Common and the Church field, Holywell Golf Course, 7 bridges and the sand dunes.

Q25 – What most worries you about further development within the parish? (Please tick a maximum of 5)

Loss of village identity 110 Impact on significant views 77
Development not fitting with the current character of the area 54 Loss of counrtyside / greenspace 124
Lack of school / childcare places 84 Impact on roads 86
Inadequate car parking 87 Increased traffic 112
The design compared to the surrounding houses 19 Change in the visual chacracter of the village and settlements 72
Other: The size of the village school and it’s capacity to handle new housing numbers. Change in the visual character of the village and settlements. The developments are match funded to cover new infrastructure. The affordability for local buyers. Pressure on hospitals and surgeries. Larger developers destroying usable farmland. Impact on environment, light and sound pollution.Loss of village identity, congested roads. Loss of village identity, congested roads. No disabled parking, square being used as all day car park. All new developments should be carbon zero. Permissions on greenfield sites should only be allowed if the development is Carbon Positive to off set the loss of the grassed area. Since there is limited employment( except seasonal work) in the Parish , further development can only result in increased traffic unless public transport is improved. Getting out safely onto the A3075, increased cars = increased pollution, the village being extended and extended until it is no longer recognisable as the village it currently is. Since there is limited employment( except seasonal work) in the Parish , further development can only result in increased traffic unless public transport is improved.

Transport & Traffic

Q26 – Thinking about the parish as a whole, how much of a problem are the following issues? (please tick)

Major problem Minor problem No problem
Traffic speed 70 87 19
Traffic volume 92 61 23
Traffic noise 19 93 64
Car parking 77 44 20

Q27 – At what location are you regularly concerned with road safety and what is the problem?

Locations Cubert crossroads. The village centre. Holywell car park.
Road safety problems Volume of traffic. Speed through the village. Walking to the village hall and the cemetary. Paking on the pedestrian crossing. Gridlock outside the school caused by increasing numbers. Parking on pavements.

Q28 – Which of the following measures do you think might improve road safety in the parish?
(please tick a maximum of 4)

Improved pavements 33 Improved street lighting 26
Dedicated cycle routes 57 Increased car parking 113
Traffic calming 88 Improved road signage 29
Speed sensors and displays 87 Yellow lines policed 94
Please give location and details: Village/church field could be used as an overflow carpark. Camera to record illegal parking around the Post Office/pedestrian crossing. The crossing should be policed and yellow lines remarked. Cubert to Crantock pathway.

Leisure & Safety

Q29 – How would you rate the recreational facilities in the parish for the different age groups (i.e. clubs, events, play areas)? (Please tick)

Good Average Poor Don’t know
Children under 5 49 41 6 27
Children 5-12 53 37 5 21
Teenagers> 19 47 32 22
Adults 20-65 26 51 20 22
Adults 65+ 30 38 22 33
Comment : As might expected the views varied across the age ranges. For example 61% of adults thought the under 5’s facilities were good but only 33% of student thought the same. This divergence continued throughout the spectrum and will be borne in mind within the final report.

Q30 – Is there anything you think would improve the recreational facilities in the village?

More activities in the village hall ( 8 mentions), create a football pitch (7 mentions), improved size of the village hall (4 mentions) and a swimming pool (3 mentions).

Q31 – Would you be in support of the development of a football pitch / sports field in the parish?

Yes No Don’t know
150 29 0

Q32 – Do you feel safe when out and about in the Parish?

Yes No Don’t know
172 2 0

Heritage & Green Spaces

Q33 – When it comes to heritage assets and green spaces , what do you think is important that we protect and preserve? (Please tick a maximum of 6)

The beaches of Holywell and Polly Joke 150 – 1st
The setting of Cubert Church and war memorial 138 – 2nd
The public footpath network 133 – 3rd
The Southwest Coastal Footpath 96 – 4th
Play ares (suitable for all ages) 92 – 5th
Woodland within the parish 75 – 6th
Woodland within the parish 70 – 7th
Areas of designated protection (Kelsey Head, Holywell Dunes, The Commons) 62 – 8th
The setting of other historic buildings 51 – 9th
The cemetary 33 – 10th
Allotments (beside the village hall) 32 – 11th