January 2022, when I did the last Cubert NDP update, seems an age away.

Looking back, I’m glad that when I was talking about the predetermined process that we would have to follow I did say “The time scale for this is, for various reasons, impossible to predict at the moment.”

The intervening nineteen months has seen a continued and determined effort by the members of the Steering Group, that has led us to a point whereby we now have a First Working Draft of a plan to put forward to the parishioners of Cubert.

While not the biggest NDP ever created it does, at some seventy plus pages, make it impossible, from both a financial and logistical point of view, to create a paper copy for each household in the parish. That said it is incumbent upon the Steering Group to provide everyone in the Parish with the opportunity to read and comment on the document.

I am pleased to say that, thanks to the efforts of Andrew Griffin, we again have access to and use of our NDP website the link to which is shown below. It is proposed to publish the NDP document on the site and to provide feedback forms alongside. The document will also be uploaded on to the Parish Council website, the link to which is also shown below, from where comments should be emailed to the Clerk to the Council.

Over and above the on-line process the Steering Group will be facilitating a face-to-face consultation opportunity by way of an exhibition in the Village Hall on Saturday 9th September between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM. The proposed policies, aims and objectives together with the rational that led to them, will be on display.

As always, if you want to put forward your ideas, please use one of the contact options shown below or email me directly at chair.cubertndp@btinternet.com.



