During the twelve months since my last update, work on Curt’s NDP has continued steadily and diligently. I cannot, hand on heart, say it has been “exciting” work but it has been absolutely essential in the composition of a Development Plan that accurately reflects the opinion of the parishioners and also meets the exacting prerequisites of the national NDP processes.

I am pleased to say that we are now in a position to instigate the “pre-submission consultation process” in accordance with Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Plan Regulations.

This involves corresponding with pre-requisite statutory bodies and in addition publicising the plan to those who live, work or run businesses within the Parish.

To that end, I would like everyone, with an interest in the subject, to look at “the plan” together with the associated Design Guide via the internet links listed below.

In addition, the NDP Steering Group members with be holding an exhibition/Q&A event in the Beacon of Light Community Church building on Saturday 12th October 2024 between 10.00am and 4.00pm.

As with the last event. the proposed policies, aims and objectives together with the rational that led to them, will be on display.

As always, if you want to put forward your ideas, please use one of the contact options shown below or email me directly at chair.cubertndp@btinternet.com.



